Do I Have Gum Disease?

Did you know that oral health has a huge impact on overall health globally, including in Nashville, TN? Keeping a clean healthy mouth of gums and teeth free of harmful bacteria and plaque buildup is super important. Excessive growth of these agents can lead to harmful toxin production and release into your bloodstream, causing periodontal, or gum, disease. When these occurs, associated symptoms such as gum swelling, tooth pain, loosening, and discomfort, gum recession, and bad bread odor can happen and are the key symptoms of gum disease.

If left untreated, gum disease can lead to many systemic health illnesses including diabetes, heart disease, tooth/bone loss, pregnancy complications, pancreatic cancer, and stroke. If you experience any of the following symptoms, a dentist can help guide you in the right direction back to a healthy oral environment.

To help decrease your chances of getting gum disease, a few easy steps can be started today, such as:

  • Regular brushing and flossing: Brushing and flossing twice daily can significantly minimize your chances of getting gum disease.
  • Maintain a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet including vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and plenty of water can help improve your oral health.
  • Eliminate or reduce smoking: Cigarette smoking can lead to unhealthy teeth and gums and should be avoided to help decrease the chances of developing gum disease and improve overall health.
  • Choose a good toothpaste: a gum disease fighting or preventing toothpaste should include fluoride and other plaque and bacteria eliminating agents to ensure your oral health remains in-tact.

Most importantly, selecting a seasoned dental professional that regularly treats gum disease and offers gum health maintenance services is crucial to warding off or treating gum disease.

An experienced dental professional, such as Dr. James R. Pace and the talented team at Belle Meade Dental can create a custom treatment plan to address gum disease.

Dr. Pace offers various advanced technologies specifically for the treatment of gum disease. These include:

  • Air abrasion
  • Cone beam 3D imaging
  • Dental lasers
  • Intraoral cameras
  • Advanced anesthetic systems, including The Wand comfort syringe
  • And many more!

During your procedure for treating gum disease and periodontal maintenance, the areas along the tooth and any exposed root surfaces above and below the tissue are thoroughly cleaned with a number of aids to ensure excellent care. This prevents bacteria from building up near tooth deposits and enables Dr Pace to remove any diseased tissues that prevent healthy gums and bone. In addition, the highly skilled and trained team can offer medicaments for periodontal pockets to remove bacteria and use a special laser to decontaminate the tooth root and surrounding tissues, providing a healthier environment and better healing.

Be free of gum disease today in Nashville, TN and maintain healthy gums!

Dr. Pace, Dr. Sullivan, and Dr. Pace J, and the talented team at Belle Meade Dentistry are ready to get your gums as healthy as can be! Contact our office in Nashville, TN and schedule your next consultation today!

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